We are a Reformed and Presbyterian congregation in Denver, North Carolina. We look forward to having you worship with us this Lord's Day!

We are a Reformed and Presbyterian congregation in Denver, North Carolina. We look forward to having you worship with us this Lord's Day!
Mr. Bob Cunningham (Christian Ed) – 704-466-0819
Mr. Troy Haddox (Neighboring and Outreach) – 863-514-0534
Mr. Jason Lund – 714-657-6401
Mr. Ken Zappone (Missions) – 704-998-8708
Mr. Cody Black (Neighboring & Outreach) – 704-387-0194
Mr. Steve Cavin (Hosting/Hospitality) – 704-747-2074
Mr. Joe Fitzgerald (Bldg and Grounds) – 704-458-0616
Mr. Nathan Lawing (Audio Visual) – 704-530-8313
Mr. Johnny Serafini – 862-228-0817
Treasurer – Mrs. Bronwyn Lund
Pianist, Office/Admin Asst. – Rachel Davis (admin@christchurcharp.org)